7.6. repoproviders

7.6.1. Module: binderhub.repoproviders

Classes for Repo providers

Subclass the base class, RepoProvider, to support different version control services and providers.

7.6.2. RepoProvider

class binderhub.repoproviders.RepoProvider(**kwargs)

Base class for a repo provider

config c.RepoProvider.banned_specs = List()

List of specs to blacklist building.

Should be a list of regexes (not regex objects) that match specs which should be blacklisted

config c.RepoProvider.banned_specs = List()

List of specs to blacklist building.

Should be a list of regexes (not regex objects) that match specs which should be blacklisted


Return a unique build slug


Return the git clone-able repo URL


Return true if the given spec has been banned

7.6.3. GitHubRepoProvider

class binderhub.repoproviders.GitHubRepoProvider(*args, **kwargs)

Repo provider for the GitHub service

config c.GitHubRepoProvider.access_token = Unicode('')

GitHub access token for authentication with the GitHub API

Loaded from GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN env by default.

config c.GitHubRepoProvider.banned_specs = List()

List of specs to blacklist building.

Should be a list of regexes (not regex objects) that match specs which should be blacklisted

config c.GitHubRepoProvider.client_id = Unicode('')

GitHub client id for authentication with the GitHub API

For use with client_secret. Loaded from GITHUB_CLIENT_ID env by default.

config c.GitHubRepoProvider.client_secret = Unicode('')

GitHub client secret for authentication with the GitHub API

For use with client_id. Loaded from GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET env by default.

config c.GitHubRepoProvider.hostname = Unicode('github.com')

The GitHub hostname to use

Only necessary if not github.com, e.g. GitHub Enterprise.

config c.GitHubRepoProvider.access_token = Unicode('')

GitHub access token for authentication with the GitHub API

Loaded from GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN env by default.

config c.GitHubRepoProvider.client_id = Unicode('')

GitHub client id for authentication with the GitHub API

For use with client_secret. Loaded from GITHUB_CLIENT_ID env by default.

config c.GitHubRepoProvider.client_secret = Unicode('')

GitHub client secret for authentication with the GitHub API

For use with client_id. Loaded from GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET env by default.


Return a unique build slug


Return the git clone-able repo URL

config c.GitHubRepoProvider.hostname = Unicode('github.com')

The GitHub hostname to use

Only necessary if not github.com, e.g. GitHub Enterprise.