The BinderHub Architecture

This page provides a high-level overview of the technical pieces that make up a BinderHub deployment.

Tools used by BinderHub

BinderHub connects several services together to provide on-the-fly creation and registry of Docker images. It utilizes the following tools:

  • A cloud provider such Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2, and others
  • Kubernetes to manage resources on the cloud
  • Helm to configure and control Kubernetes
  • Docker to use containers that standardize computing environments
  • A BinderHub UI that users can access to specify GitHub repos they want built
  • BinderHub to generate Docker images using the URL of a GitHub repository
  • A Docker registry (such as that hosts container images
  • JupyterHub to deploy temporary containers for users

A diagram of the BinderHub architecture

Here is a high-level overview of the components that make up BinderHub.