BinderHub ========= .. note:: BinderHub is under active development and subject to breaking changes. Getting started --------------- The primary goal of BinderHub is creating custom computing environments that can be used by many remote users. BinderHub enables an end user to easily specify a desired computing environment from a GitHub repo. BinderHub then serves the custom computing environment at a URL which users can access remotely. This guide assists you, an administrator, through the process of setting up your BinderHub deployment. To get started creating your own BinderHub, start with :doc:`create-cloud-resources`. Extending JupyterHub -------------------- If you’d like to extend your JupyterHub setup, see `Zero to JupyterHub `_. BinderHub Deployments --------------------- Our directory of BinderHubs is published at :doc:`known-deployments`. If your BinderHub deployment is not listed, please `open an issue `_ to discuss adding it. Zero to BinderHub ----------------- A guide to help you create your own BinderHub from scratch. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: create-cloud-resources setup-registry setup-binderhub turn-off Customization and more information ---------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: overview debug customizing api known-deployments eventlogging reference/ref-index.rst